
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Great oasis day!

I arrived at daylight and immediately saw that all but one of my dozen or more hummingbird feeders were empty. Hummers were buzzing frenetically. As quick as I could I filled clean feeders. For awhile the feeders were loaded with swarming hummers, but soon slowed down. Hummer migration is underway!

Lots of Lucifers, Black-chinneds, a Rufous or two, and several Calliopes.

Next I started watering, hurrying to get done before my eagerly anticipated guests arrived. Tripp Davenport and Tony Gallucci are big into dragonflies and better at IDing them than I am. I was hoping they'd find stuff I didn't know was there. Did they ever! 

There were some harrowing  times though, when the species they came to see had perched close to me for two hours before they arrived, then when they were almost ready to give up and leave, after several hours of not finding it, they finally located it. The Mexican Amberwing, of course.

We found about a dozen California Spreadwings. By the looks of it, there'll be even more before long.

Tony found a Metallic Pennant, which was a lifer for me! I didn't get a good photo because it was way high in bad light.

And Tripp found a Tawny Pennant, only my second one ever. It was high in a tree also.

Really wore myself out, but worth every bit of it! After they left, I washed the dirty feeders and dragged myself back to town.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, I am so happy you are again doing the things you live to do. What a wonderful place your oasis is!
