
Friday, August 19, 2022

Life goes on

I'm staying on top of the tank leak. Gonna go down tomorrow and measure how much it's leaking per day so I can have a better idea of urgency. Meanwhile, I started a gofundme to cover the cost of the repair, as well as hiring some concrete poured on the big hill. Today I got an email from nice visitors who ruined a tire going up the big hill. It's past time to address the problem. Figured now is a good time with the tank expense coming up too. Here's a cell phone panorama from the viewing blind that I took yesterday just for fun.

Today in Alpine I discovered a new fawn out by our ponds. Second one this year. Turning into quite the nursery.

The Allen's Hummingbird is still at the feeders here if anyone wants it for their county list or whatever.

UPDATE: 4 PM. The oasis just got a huge monsoon. That's awesome! Can't wait to get down there tomorrow!

UPDATE on UPDATE: Couldn't stand not knowing so went down to the oasis after eating supper. Arrived at 7:30 PM. Even though it got nearly an inch of rain, none ran into the tanks. So I'm pumping water tonight and all day tomorrow. That should come close to topping things off. The reserve tank didn't seem to have lost water. Not good light so I'll check more closely tomorrow.... and ever after!

1 comment:

  1. Carrolyn what is the link to the go fund me page i have been there twice with the festival i am really missing a trip there
