
Friday, August 12, 2022

Tired again

I didn't even work today. Just wore myself out playing (admittedly a blurred line), and no nap. First thing this morning I processed the damselfly and mailed it, doing other errands while I was out.

Then I went odeing with some ode seekers from Europe. That was all fun! I enjoyed watching them as much as looking for odes. Knowing that if they found anything exciting, I'd hear about it. In Latin, of course. "ARGIA LUGEN!!!"

A bit of a language barrier. One spoke German, one Swedish, and one English. Since the English one interpreted, it wouldn't have been difficult except that they all only knew the Latin names for the odes. 

Then a couple of birders dropped by and before I knew it, the day was pretty much finished. I guess my passion for life keeps me going. The specimen was my priority today. Now I anxiously await DNA results. And migration has barely begun. Hope I can keep up! I've got to carve out a day to repair the water drip at the oasis.  Javelinas or bears broke the basin off it. Sigh!  


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