
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Migration fun!

I almost never just sit and bird at the oasis. Always watering, pruning, etc. But today for a luxurious several hours I just birded. It was wondrous, even though I only can ID about half of what I see.

The first bird I had seen bathing in my new improved water drip was a Townsend's Warbler, immediately followed by another Townsend's. I had wondered if the new upper basin would be too small for bathing, but that's what the first Townsend's used.

The second one used the middle basin. I've decided to put a taller lip on the low part of that basin so it'll hold a bit more water. I'll use JB weld, or something like that.

So.... I paid a contractor $1500 to buy the concrete and steel wire for the big hill job. When he does the job, I'll owe him another $2000. I'm terrified and excited at the same time. Thanks to some donations and the GoFundMe money, the cost is now covered. I'm terrified that it won't happen and I've lost the $1500. Two trusted people recommended him, but still....

The work is supposed to be done on the 23rd and 24th. We'll see. If he does what he says he'll do, it'll be awesome! Of course I'll keep everyone updated. Birders are the best. I'm so very grateful to all of you for making this possible!

When it's done, I want you all to come and try it out. If they actually do the job when promised, visiting birders will need to park and walk in the last half mile on those two days and perhaps the following day while the concrete sets up. However, I'll be there when the job is being done and will be happy to drive anyone to the oasis from the top of the big hill. Best to let me know ahead of time so I can be watching for you though.

Yesterday and today I had a Dickcissel. Always a nice migrant


Also had a Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay today but only for a few minutes and no photo.


  1. Confusing fall warblers. Loved that page in my Peterson guide from so many years ago. Carry on!

    1. Yes, and I'm having trouble with empidonax flycatchers and juvenile birds. Not enough warblers to be confusing yet. No thrushes yet either.

  2. When the concrete work is done will a normal type car be able to come up the mountain, or do u still suggest a vehicle with a higher under carriage.

  3. Thanks Carolyn, if I get the chance to come again during the HB Festival, I think I might try my car, or maybe catch a ride LOL.
