
Saturday, October 22, 2022

A few winter birds arriving

 There are still 3 or 4 Lucifers left. Likely will be gone within a week or so.

I totally exhausted myself today watering and climbing around looking for a suitable rock for the water feature I'm building in town. The ones I liked were too heavy to lift, so I may end up using a fake rock after all.... if I can find a suitable one.

While birding was decent today, for a change, dragonflies were crazy! A dragonfly expert visited today and tried to count the California Spreadwings. He gave up at 100. And they're a quite uncommon species normally.

They're consuming lots of damselflies (Familiar Bluets are the only ones present).

Walking in the arroyo at the oasis looking for water feature rocks I came across fresh tracks. I assume Mountain Lion, but I suppose it could be a large dog.

I think the water drip at the oasis is finished, unless birds don't like it, then I'll have to make it hold more water. I think it'll be fine. Just not enough birds currently to tell.

Yesterday my sister-in-law and I went birding in the area, for the first time in many months. We were thrilled to see so many Sage Thrashers, Townsend's Solitaires, and a few Western Bluebirds (we're easy to please these days). Maybe this winter birding will be tolerable.

Considering how far I was from this Osprey, the photo turned out better than expected. Must  have accidentally had things set right.

And the Allen's Hummingbird is back at my Alpine feeder after an 18 day absence.

Tomorrow I hope to post photos of the new water feature's progress in town.


  1. Love reading about what you’re doing Carolyn!

    1. Glad to hear that! I always wonder if it's of interest only to me. LOL

    2. Love seeing your posts Carolyn. I have been following your blog since before Facebook days. Back when you posted it in David Sarkozi's Birding email list that he operated from the U of H. Long time ago.

    3. Wow! That's amazing. Very nice to hear!
