
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Back in Alpine

 After a long nap, I feel all recovered. Putting the recent water I harvested into perspective, I got about 15,000 gallons. Next spring when it's beastly hot and trees are thirsty to put on good spring growth, I shouldn't have to ration water, or use from the reserve tank (paid for by birders). Best if I can keep the reserve tank in case summer rains don't happen one year. If I use about three thousand gallons a week next spring, that's enough water to keep the oasis happy, like it is now. So this new water could last through five critical weeks. Happy oasis, happy me!

Since the additional water didn't create any more surface area, the tanks won't evaporate any more than they will without it. And likely no increase in leakage either. If I had been physically able to handle the 3" electric pump yesterday afternoon, it would have salvaged even more water. Or if my system to pump straight from the upper dirt tank to the stucco tank (bypassing the lower dirt tank) had been operational, that would have helped a lot too. Or if we got more rain. But might not have gotten any, so I'm not complaining.

I did watch birds awhile this morning. Nothing interesting. I didn't stay long enough for the amberwings to come out. (They only fly in the afternoons.) Still a couple of Lucifers hanging around.

There's always maintenance that needs doing at the oasis. Right now I'm doing what I can to stop erosion into the road at the top of the big hill. It's been ongoing for years and getting too close to the road. An ounce of prevention and all. I'm putting rocks along the edge, but it isn't helping. So I'm hoping to spend a couple of days a week throughout the winter, not only watering but mixing some cement and gradually building a rock retainer wall there. I can do it, just takes more time and energy than it used to. I've built a lot of rock retainer walls, not to mention three dams, through the years. Also need to do some weed-eating, but not much. Gotta get the broken pump to town to see what it needs. Otherwise, things are pretty well caught up and functioning smoothly. I try to stay on top of projects as much as possible so it doesn't get overwhelming.

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