
Monday, December 19, 2022

Cold weather forecast

The weather is quite cold, but Thursday night is forecast to be down to 8°.  So winter is upon us. I went to the oasis yesterday to water and service feeders. I had planned to hang only one hummingbird feeder, but when I noticed a Ladder-backed Woodpecker slurping from it, I hung another. I want it to last a week.

It seems to be a good December for birds. I'm hoping to get Cassin's Finches and other uncommon species, but haven't so far. Other places are though, so there's hope.

Most of you will remember the nightmare we went through in June after my husband fell and ended up in ICU for three weeks. You can go back to my June blog posts, but basically, the fall tore his colon loose from his abdominal wall, which caused it to shut off blood supply, requiring removal of half the colon. (Luckily, he doesn't require a colostomy bag). His other health issues (high blood pressure and A-fib) plus the fact that he waited 12 days after the fall to go to the ER were what made it so life-threatening. Now he has developed an incisional hernia that will have to be fixed. Hoping this won't turn into another ordeal, but for now, it's not an emergency or anything. We're just starting the process, so that it doesn't become an emergency. Will keep you updated.

Still lots of mistletoe berries. I love having them for birds during a time of year when berries are so scarce.


  1. So sorry to hear about your husband - wishing him a good recovery. And I’ve had many Chippers and White-crowned in my yard recently, along with Rufous and Calliope hummers.

  2. Thanks. I'm optimistic that all will go fine and he'll go home the same day as surgery. Where do you live that you have Calliopes? Southern California?

  3. I hope this goes as smoothly as it should. Meanwhile, here's a distraction for you. I mentioned missing seeing certain birds since I moved into town (19,000 people), but bright spots were seeing Mississippi kites for the first time!! Kind of up close and personal. And black bellied whistling ducks. Walking one morning I thought what in the hell are those things with the pink legs. Haven't seen them in a couple of years, but the kites are still here. So I had some new birds in town to console me from the missing ones.

    1. Thanks, and thanks for sharing your bird pleasure. I've always said that I get as much enjoyment from enjoying birds vicariously with others as I do for myself.

    2. Here's hoping the details involved in your husband's' surgery are going as they should. And to distract you from that, do you worry about the hummingbird feeders freezing? Ive never left them out when it was going to be so cold....mostly because they were GONE.

  4. I will be sending good thoughts your way and pray that your husband's procedure goes smoothly. It has been a tough time health-wise for us as wife had 3 surgeries for breast cancer last year and last month I received an unexpected and unwelcome diagnosis of prostate cancer. But in the grand scheme of things we are blessed! Have a great holiday season! Tom McC, Mcqueeney, Texas

  5. Carolyn, we wish you and family a kind, gentle 2023. You certainly had more challenges this year, with both the oasis and loved ones. Some quiet time is well deserved! All the best, Agnes & Tim
