
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Remote vicarious birding

Being stuck indoors with Covid limited birding to looking out the window. When that was slow, I got added enjoyment from following my birder friends' birding ventures via ebird. I pretty much know almost all the birders birding the area, so following their excitement over their lifers and finding their target birds gave me vicarious pleasure. At one point, I dashed over to Kokernot Park, a few minutes from home, to enjoy, in person, a friend's seeing the Lewis's Woodpecker.

But it was way too cold for me, so after a few minutes I retreated back to the house to stay. Back to ebird, I enjoyed reading the lists as they came in. I also felt the disappointment when species sought were not found. 

In my daily grind, I get the meaning of "in sickness and in health." It means I take care of my husband, whether I'm sick or whether I'm healthy. I have him on Paxlovid and he's doing better, just not well enough to fix his own food or anything. When I got his prescription, I also got one for me, but chickened out on taking it. Don't feel that sick, and never know what side effects might happen. I haven't so much as taken an aspirin with this Covid. I'm not in pain or discomfort, just feel drained and blah!

It's New Year's Eve and I'm excited about the upcoming year. I know the new bird bath (pictured above) will host exciting new species and looking forward to a bear-proof feeder at CMO. It's a bit delayed by Covid, but will happen soon.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the oasis in 2023, or at other birding spots, and hope we all have a great birding year ahead! And from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for your generous donations and words of support that make all this possible!


  1. Thank you for all you have done and do with the Oasis…. Happy New Year

  2. Wishing you and those you love a healthy and happy 2023! Tom McCoppin, McQueeney, Texas

  3. Happy of HAPPIEST NEW Year to you 🥰

  4. Happy New Year! Praying for you and your husband to get better and stronger soon. Look forward to seeing you in a couple of months.
