
Monday, April 29, 2024

Bear update!

We arrived at the oasis by daylight. The bear had been there during my absence and left another even bigger pile of poop (cell phone for size comparison), which had even more seed in it. And of course, moved the rocks again and dug it out again.

Promptly, we put down an old wooden unwelcome mat that we already had from before TX Parks & Wildlife had furnished us with a better one that's successfully in use under the hanging bucket feeder.

It still appeared that the bear could access the feeding ports across the mat. If you look closely at the next photo, you'll see smudges above the feeder ports. That's where the bear presses his nose as he tongues the seed out. (Photo taken before we put down the mat.)

He's a big bear, and since the spikes in the wooden mat aren't as thick as those in the other mat, it's possible to flatten them or reach across. The longer the bear is successful or entrenched at one location, the harder it is to deter, I'm told by TXP&W. They recommended we electrify the feeder. There's a way to do it that won't shock people or birds and is 100% effective. 

Only rarely does it enrage a bear to the point that it does bad damage, especially if it hasn't been hanging out for more than a few days, they said. 👿 So, I bought a $150 solar charger which TXP&W is going to help my son install tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a group of birders today got the "bear bonus!" The bear doesn't seem too perturbed by people. He does lumber off when he sees them. Not scared, nor aggressive, is how I'd describe it. And the people? Well, they're nature and outdoor lovers who appear not to mind. But that's perhaps before the bear becomes more territorial of the oasis, or hormones kick in, or a different bear comes along..... too many unknowns to chance it.

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