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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Great rain at CMO (updated)

It rained in the area of CMO, but I'm in Alpine, so don't know to what extent. I'll go down in the morning and hopefully have my tanks full, or at least some water to pump. A mile north of CMO got nearly half an inch and three miles south got nearly 1.5" so I'm optimistic. Been getting heavy rain in town.

UPDATE: Kelly was sure that per the radar I had to have gotten a bunch of rain, so I couldn't think of sleeping without knowing. Drove down in the middle of the night and was not disappointed. Got a perfect rain. Not enough to damage the road, which is good since a lot of birders are coming Friday with the festival tour here. And not so much that after it damaged the road it ran to the ocean and didn't give the ground the benefit of a good soaking. So I got .85," most of which soaked in, but just enough ran to fill the upper dirt tank and upper settling pond. The only tank that has room for me to pump the water into is the stucco tank. And I'll have enough to top it off and some left over. Will start the pumps at daylight, and if all goes according to plan, I should have the water relocated in 8 hours. Hope the stucco tank doesn't spring a leak getting that extra pressure put on it, but I have to test it sooner or later.

I have to mention that it's great to have my own personal weather man, who's also a bird and odonate expert. Yes, Brian, you're still my personal butterfly expert. No one can replace you on that.


  1. Dr. G could hands down but he is too busy writing papers for journals at the moment to do much of anything else.

  2. You have more than enough expertise for me.
