In January of 2001 we started making a (cienega) wetland that I thought would be wonderful for birds. I figured it we lined it heavily with bentonite to where it couldn't leak that for most of the year we could keep a shallow layer of water in it. Sweet Sherwood wanted whatever made me happy. We worked really hard on it and it held water pretty good at first. But I wanted willows, reeds, and cattails in it.
We enjoyed it for several years, and I have hopes of enjoying it again during rainy years.
Now it's starting to look like an oasis. The tanks are all full when this next photo was taken, probably in the summer of 2001. In the foreground is the cienega, which is currently abandoned for lack of water. Once I let vegetation grow in it, it no longer held water. Without vegetation I didn't really want to waste precious water on it. Actually, didn't have it to waste. At best, it leaked moderately. Bentonite works better in less gravelly soil, I suspect.
Here is the newly concreted tank at last.