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Sunday, May 1, 2011

What's next?

 No birders scheduled today, but at least 30 tomorrow. Feast or famine around here, it seems. I hope with all those birders around the birding will be great. It's supposed to be cold tomorrow and at least breezy, if not windy. I'm hoping the winds shifting to the NE will slow migrants down and create a mini-fallout.

In between chores I took a few photos. I got more of the Swainson's Thrush..

Orchard Oriole (first winter, I think)

Lazuli Bunting (female?)
And next is a mystery. I saw a flock of Turkey Vultures circling for a long time and decided to count them for my birding log. As I counted I notice one with a white head. Then I noticed it was a Common Raven, not a vulture. I took some bad photos. My best guess is that it found some insulation around (I noticed some scattered around at my sister's house nearby). Why it's flying in circles with it is anyone's guess. The raven's mate was in the flock also. 

Last but not a Least, a Gray Flycatcher!

Can't wait for tomorrow.

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