
Friday, September 30, 2016

Packed and ready

Woke up this AM with my back in terrible pain with any least movement, but I soldiered through. Figured I had slept too soundly, and without tossing and turning, fluid or something built up. Can't imagine though since the nurse practitioner told me that all the steroids in my system should actually help with my other pains. Sure hasn't. Did a full day's work, so that's the important thing. I thought the pain would subside with activity like it usually does, but today it hung in there. Only slightly better tonight. I'll take Ibuprofen this weekend if necessary.

About the time I got caught up enough to play with my new camera, it clouded up and rained.  But I'm slowly learning. I do need to stay on top of using it though so I don't forget what I learn. Here's the only decent shot from today. Was able to get pretty close to a Flame Skimmer. Forgot to set the lighting. Did what I could in photoshop, but otherwise I was faster. Partly because I'm using some better settings and partly because I'm getting more familiar with all the bells and whistles. I see potential to take good shots. I would have been happy with this one if it hadn't been over-exposed. So far it seems I need to be really close to get shots this good. Not always doable.

If I can manage it, without getting sick, instead of heading home Sunday morning I'm going to go 2½ hours farther, to Gonzales, and photograph the somewhat rare Blue-faced Ringtail that's been pretty reliably seen there. Desha went yesterday with a group and she's going to meet me there Sunday and help me find it. The Blue-faced Ringtail is the smallest ringtail and at a casual glance, to me, it looks much like the Serpent Ringtail, which I love so much. The Blue-faced is much rarer nationwide.  Apparently, it only occurs in the US in South Central Texas and hadn't been seen there for four years. There are several there, so chances are good. And the weather should be good too. All systems go.

Brian's Question Mark caterpillars are now nearly fully grown and ready to pupate soon.

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