
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Having a super time in Uvalde

Wow, I have such awesome friends! Can't say enough good about Tripp Davenport, who showed me his stomping grounds today, provided me with a perfect guesthouse to stay in, and took me around to gather lifer odes and butterflies all day long. In spite of the overcast skies, we did good. Saw some of the most gorgeous scenery. And Tripp is a fount of information. I learned so much. Have to get off to the next, and last, stop of my trip (Gonzales) for the rare Blue-faced Ringtail, so must be brief for now. Here's my lifer Laviana White-Skipper.

And my first look at a creek we oded along for hours on a fabulous 9,000 acre ranch. Forgot the name of the creek, but it ended up in a tunnel/cave where it gushed out of the Edwards Aquifer. I drank from it, of course.

Looking out from the tunnel.

And two quick lifer odes before I head to Gonzales. This is a newly emerged Jade-striped Sylph drying its wings.

And my main target ode for going to Uvalde, Coppery Dancer. Got a pair even. Doesn't get better than that.

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