
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Amethyst-throated Mountain-Gem

A first US record, no less! In the Davis Mountains yesterday. Didn't stick around long but I was fortunate to be able to get there in time, and be allowed to see and photograph it. I drove really fast.

If I had been at the oasis, chasing the bird would not have been doable. As it was, I had to turn off supper cooking on the stove, grab my camera, and run out the door. By the time I got there, there was no sunshine, and fading daylight. But for a lifer, any shot is better than none. Kelly had already gotten excellent photos a little earlier, so he didn't even bother to take any while I was there. 

And check out Cornell's cam video. It's awesome!

Back in town I've been staying indoors trying to get well enough for my upcoming valley trip. But I saw a few butterflies on the patio's potted flowers. Here's a Clouded Skipper on "amethyst-throated" flowers (Vinca).

Tomorrow I'm going on a little excursion to the Ruidosa/Candelaria area. Haven't ever oded there so it might be interesting.


  1. Great photos of the hummer. Glad you got to see it.

    1. Thanks. So glad I was able to get there in time. Luckily, I wasn't at the oasis.

  2. Nice photo of this gorgeous bird, Carolyn, congrats !!! Very glad you got a chance to see it live. As for the hummer live cam, I've been watching several long videos in the past months in high res on a big computer screen and have not been bored for a single minute. These videos are simply awesome! Certainly better and way more relaxing than ANY TV program :-)

    Greetings from Germany,


  3. So nice to hear from you. And delighted that you're enjoying the cam. I know Germany doesn't even have hummers so maybe the cam makes up for that a little. :)

  4. I am coming to the big bend area next week for a few short days, and I would enjoy seeing hummers, especially the lucid er. Am I too late?

  5. Yes, probably too late this year. Should all be gone by now.
