
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Photos by family

On my sister's 75th birthday celebration two of her children went up her mountain trail with her, and then down my side on the trail I made. Too bad I've been too sick to go up the mountain recently. But I have their photos. And one is of a butterfly that I've never seen, a Fulvia Checkerspot. (Photo by my niece, Julia Green.) Of course I'm very envious! Fulvia's host is paintbrush. I'm sure there's plenty of that on the mountain these days.

Here's Ann with her son and daughter at a cave near the top of the pouroff.

And next is a photo showing the big hill on my road from above.

This next shot is of them making their way across the top of the mountain (no trail) to the saddle where they picked up my trail. You can see the tip of W Corazone Peak showing through the saddle.

Finally, a photo I took today at the oasis while I was watering. One of these days I'll get the weeds pulled. The red flowers are Flame Acanthus.

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