
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pushing my limits

Saw lots more lifer butterflies today and at least one lifer dragonfly. But sure have worn myself down. Took the afternoon off to rest except for an hour in mid-afternoon when I visited a nearby butterfly hotspot, where I racked up this lifer Brown-banded Skipper. I even ID'd it myself. I like those that are easy to tell apart from others.

This resort treats me so wonderfully. That's worth a lot. The manager brought me fresh picked grapefruit and banana today, grown right here on the property. And he brought me a lovely picnic table. I bought a little clip-on LED light so I'm settling in better and better.

And as IDs are coming in from various experts, I keep discovering more lifers. On my trip I made a quick stop at a little park near the San Felipe Springs in Del Rio and picked up a Golden-winged Dancer, which is pretty rare. One I never expected I'd get.

 Getting sleepy but must include a pic of my lifer Mexican Scarlettail.

And I love this Red-bordered Metalmark, also a lifer.

More goodies to come.....

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