
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Valley camping

I survived my first night camping. It cooled off enough that I could sleep decently in spite of the endless drone of freeway traffic nearby. Can't stand up in the tent, which makes my back worse. No mosquito problem so far. The campground is very safe and friendly (Americana Resort in Mission)

Saw good butterflies yesterday at the National Butterfly Center. Several lifers. Here's my favorite, a Mexican Bluewing.

They put out food for the butterflies there on logs and stumps, which attracts tons of butterflies.

Here's another lifer for me, a Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak.  I only saw this one.

But saw many of my lifer White Peacock. This photo is as busy as a fruitcake (no bokeh), but it's the best one I got.

This next lifer is a Brown Longtail. So fun!

I have more lifers too, but can't waste time blogging when there's lifers to be had!

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