
Friday, August 25, 2017

Couple of firsts

Today was the first time to my recollection that a group consisted of 30, maybe more, participants, and I'm told tomorrow's festival group may be larger.

And a real cool first was Abe Moore, the TX Parks & Wildlife interviewer, flying a drone over the oasis. It took such awesome shots. He's going to send me some and I'll post them. 

I didn't realize so many people were coming today and I didn't manage the parking area well. Tomorrow I'll be better prepared. Today had to put a couple cars in the "overflow" area.


  1. Someday soon I hope to visit! And to think I'm bragging about how green it is in Las Cruces this monsoon season, since your photos look greener than here.

  2. Please do come visit. I think it's as green here now as it ever gets.
