
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Moving right along at a fast pace

Naturalist group visited this morning and then while Texas Parks & Wildlife were here later in the afternoon to interview me for their PBS series it started raining, so we quit and will continue tomorrow morning. Got a lovely shower, not too much to mess up the road but enough to where I won't need to water tomorrow (.4").

Was surprised that Curve-billed Thrashers are nesting again. Here's one carrying food to their nestlings. Not many people know that Curve-billeds nest in man-made boxes but they've been doing it at CMO for many years.

The insect is a not a true spider, nor a scorpion, but more related to scorpions. One of its names is Wind Scorpion (solfugidae). 

Photo from Wikipedia

Still haven't got the toilet fixed at the guesthouse but I think I'll get it right tomorrow. I keep adjusting it, flushing it, wasting all that water, then have to adjust it again, which means taking the float assembly out, wasting more water, over and over. I'll eventually get it, just hate wasting the water.

Festival group tomorrow. That's always fun.


  1. Glad for the shower today to relieve you from watering tomorrow. ..and please let us know when you find out the date of the PBS show.
    Connie and I had a pair of Curved-bill Thrashers nest in an unused Purple Martin house 2 summers ago.

  2. Thanks. I will definitely post when the show airs. Interesting to know my thrashers aren't just an anomaly.
