
Saturday, September 23, 2017

A little progress on the road.

I talked Hugh into coming down this AM to "discuss" the road. We tied chains to some of the precarious rocks on the big hill and pulled them down. He agreed to come back Monday with his bobcat and see if he can get them off the road. Some are pretty big. So we'll see. Maybe I can get him to work on a few other rough spots in the road while he's here. Worth a try.

You can see by the above photo that a few more need to be pulled down. But I can only push Hugh so far. Leading him works best. So I try to have patience.

For 40 years I've attempted to keep the road padded with dirt. Dirt makes dust and then washes away. So now I'm going to focus on putting concrete patches in the bad spots and see how that works. There are only 4 or 5 problem areas, all on slopes. Flat places are fine generally, unless they're low and water washes over. But I can fix that with a little concrete too. It's doable and even if it wasn't, I'd eventually do it. LOL

Here's a lovely female Cloudless Sulphur.

Mac is back in Houston but he sent me some nice shots he took while here. I have his standing permission to share them on my blog, for which I'm grateful.

Gulf Fritillary and Gray Hairstreak

My favorite of his American Redstart shots from CMO (9/12)
My favorite of his Black-throated Gray Warbler shots from CMO (9/14)
Last, but not least by any means, Aoudad atop our mountain, taken from the oasis by Mac. I lost count and you will likely too. (9/18)

My black ant pain didn't subside until the middle of the night last night. It took me one minute to get rid of the ants. Never going to allow black ants at the oasis again.

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