
Sunday, September 24, 2017

One step at a time

Trying to work on the road without thinking about the enormity of the task, just taking it one foot at a time. Today I did two wheelbarrows of cement, which wore me out totally. As you can see from these photos, I had to prune the bushes to get to the work area. Raised that wall a couple of inches in hopes that runoff won't overflow there and wash out the road any more.




Then, thinking I could rest on the way to town, I no sooner left CMO than the road was washed out down on Snake Road where it always washes out. Had been assured they were filling it with humongous rocks and it wouldn't wash out again. But one little rain and it was gone. The ranch hadn't put big rocks in it like they had promised. Forgot to photograph it, but will in the morning. Meanwhile, I couldn't get out without doing some shoveling. Hoping Hugh and I will make some good progress on the big hill tomorrow.

Practicing my photography for a few minutes today. Think this is a Kiowa Dancer.

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