
Monday, September 25, 2017

What a day!

It's always an ordeal having Hugh go to the oasis with his loader. Since Snake Road had washed out a couple of days ago, he had to unload his loader from the trailer two miles before where we intended to work on my road. He had to fill in Snake Road to even get his pickup and trailer through.

I'll spare you the gory details, but I have a lot of work ahead of me. For now, the rocks are away from the bluff so the road is a little friendlier to drive.

Since he refused to move the rocks far, I had him shove them against the bank by the turnaround, now an improved turnaround.

Headed back to town with the loader. Now I'm going to start patching bad spots in the road with concrete. Even if I don't get a lot done, I will get improvement.

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