
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Literally can't keep up with myself!

Went to Odessa with Hugh today so he could get a skin tag removed from his eyelid. He wanted me to go along to drive home. It rained all the way home and the driver's side windshield wiper doesn't work right. And Hugh is the world's worst passenger.  (I've never had a wreck. He has. In Odessa too.) But we made it safely home. He has cataracts also so I have those trips to look forward to.😬

I was anxious to get to CMO. Packed and ready to go when I heard a Broad-billed Hummingbird. Had to grab my camera and document that. It was getting dark and the light was bad for a photo. And it was raining. I just did the best I could under the circumstances and headed south.

Driving south I sometimes see good birds but usually don't turn around because I'm either in a hurry or the bird disappears. Then I agonize over what it might have been. So today I turned around and the bird was still there. I believe it's a young Swainson's Hawk.

Then, when I got to CMO I discovered I didn't have my binoculars. I guess I must have taken them out of my pickup in my hummer excitement and laid them down somewhere. I'll call Hugh in the morning and have him look. In hindsight, I realize that hummer had been around yesterday too. I very tentatively heard it once or twice while I was at the computer working a crossword puzzle. I remember thinking I needed to go look to see if it was a Broad-billed, and then forgot. After I told Hugh about it today, he said he had seen a hummer yesterday with a green belly. So I missed perfect photo ops. I still don't have a satisfactory shot of that species.😬

I had been debating about going to Lajitas looking for odes tomorrow, but without binoculars, I don't want to. Plan to make some concrete patches on the big hill instead.😬

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