
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Big hill patch #1

Today was perfect weather for doing concrete. It misted all morning, which keeps the cement from setting up too fast. I started on the second worst spot on the big hill. Will do the worst one tomorrow if I can. I did a lot of pick-axing today and my back hurts a lot, but with some aspirin and ibuprofen and rest, I should be good to go in the morning. It's hard to get a perspective on photos. On the first one I'm getting set up to mix. The pictures don't show how steep it is there. Driving up those rocks was like driving up stair steps. The first two shots are looking downhill.


On this next "after" shot you can just barely make out the worst spot up near the top of the hill. It's worse because that's where the road is the steepest. Hopefully, the hill won't wash out anymore since it's pretty much down to bare rock. And hopefully, these cement patches will hold up. It's that or dirt. Filling holes with cement is definitely better than filling them with dirt.

I'm good for no more than four morning hours of work. Then I eat and nap. Then I go putter at the oasis.  Not so fun without binoculars, but I got by. (Hugh found them in the house so they're not lost.)

Enjoying the last couple of weeks of Lucifer Hummingbirds. Here's a feisty juvenile male in as much glory as he can muster. 

The cooler weather and moisture have brought out the best in the Flame Acanthus  flowers too.

I promised Brian I'd post butterfly pictures, so here are a couple of mating Texan Crescents....

And a Monarch butterfly...

The Heartleaf Goldeneye (Viguiera cordifolia) is blooming everywhere and attracts lots of butterflies.

I'm so disgusted with those caterpillars that ate every leaf off every mulberry tree (and lots of leaves off other trees). The poor mulberry trees started putting out new leaves and those dang worms eat them as fast as they appear.

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