
Friday, September 29, 2017

Another perfect work day

 Got in another four hour day. The big hill is patched now, so will see how it  holds up.  


It misted all day, which is good for the cement. I knew if I stayed at the oasis I'd do it all again tomorrow, and my body very much needs to rest. So I came to town. Also wanted to try for better pics of the lovely male Broad-billed Hummingbird in town. But no sun ever came out this afternoon, so hopefully, it'll still be around when the sun does come out. Meanwhile, I got a little better pics than I did the other day when I was eager to head south.

At the oasis I refilled my feeders before heading to town. There are lots of hummers there. Since I hadn't yet reunited with my binoculars, I didn't inventory the hummers. I think they're all Rufous, Black-chinned, and Ruby-throateds though. While servicing feeders I flushed this Giant Swallowtail. It was too wet to fly I think. Can't wait to get back down there.

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