
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

They're back

Couldn't stand sitting around town any longer so headed to CMO. Summer's my favorite time of year. Don't want to waste a minute of it. Friday my sister and I are going back up the mountain. I'm going to mostly look for butterflies, especially a Chisos Metalmark. I know the odds are almost zero of me finding one, but so much Skeletonleaf Goldeneye is blooming up there that it's worth a try.

My rue plant is covered with Black Swallowtail caterpillars again.

It's really difficult to locate a perched Blue-eyed Darner, so when I do, I feel like I should photograph it. Had to crawl in mud for this shot, but what the heck!

In general, there isn't much activity at the oasis. With the tanks full I would have expected more odes at least. Got plenty warm for them today (97°).

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