
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Peregrines and Powerade

The Peregrines are starting their nesting activity and it concerns me that my new neighbor, who's always shooting guns, is going to disrupt them. He's located right outside my east gate at the base of my mountain where the Peregrines nest.

I only go down once a week this time of year and if he's shooting every time I go down [to the oasis], then I have to assume he's doing it when I'm not there too. I think he fired around 100 rounds today. It seemed like he increased his activity whenever I heard the Peregrines calling, but I may be imagining that. I have no way of knowing if he's targeting the falcons.

Powerade. I never drank it but a family member has been, and has been really ill. Knowing she was drinking a lot over a long period of time, I researched it online and was shocked. Why doesn't it come with a warning label? Here is just one small paragraph I read about it. (Gatorade gets a D rating, Powerade a D-, and Powerade Zero an F.)

"Powerade is meant for athletes who are engaged in a lengthy and intense workout. It is not intended for nor is it suitable for anyone else. If you are sedentary, then Powerade may have serious negative consequences."

My husband is back to normal. His ribs were just bruised, not broken. That's a big relief!


  1. He's just sitting in a chair and shooting?
    Do you have any idea what he might be shooting at?

    Carla (used to be Rowlett, now in Richardson)

  2. It's weird. I talked to the game warden and he's going to go talk to him and explain about the Peregrines. We'll see.

  3. A very bad neighbor. You have some very bad neighbors. Sad for you as they can be a real pain in the butt. I know because I have had some bad neighbors in my day. I found it best to confront them talk to them and remain calm. Explain how important birds are. He may just be shooting at targets or other such inanimate objects. Hope so. Don't build walls.

  4. I agonized over how to handle it and ended up having the game warden talk to him. The warden, apparently, asked him to try to keep it down in the spring time when Peregrines are nesting. He also told me that he thinks the guy's property is far enough from the mountain to not be a disturbance. If the guy is a nice guy he should be compliant. If he's a jerk he may be a menace to me and the oasis. Through the years I've had some horrible neighbors, that's for sure. I'll keep everyone posted. I maybe should have just talked to him myself, but I thought a law official might do it better and carry more weight. On the other hand it might piss him off more. We'll see.

  5. Good news on the ribs! As for the neighbor, sounds like the smart way to go.

    1. I decided that next time I'm at the oasis I'm going to visit the neighbor and educate him on Peregrines, maybe point one out to him if possible. Then I'll leave the rest up to him.

  6. Perhaps bring a him a "new neighbor" gift - a basic bird book and some baked goods and a smile... worth a try...
    We visited with you back in March, 2010. Glad to see your blog again!
    Janet - New Braunfels.

    1. That's a very good suggestion. Wish I had thought of it before I went and visited him.
