
Saturday, April 28, 2018

BIG SIT 2018

Decided to see if I could start the "sit" at 2 AM by getting an owl. I heard what I believe is one of the Elf Owl calls, kind of a repeated, descending "eow." Temperature was 52° Then I went back at 5:30 and heard not only the Elf Owls doing their regular singing, but a Great Horned Owl also. Temperature was a chilly 42° and falling.

Besides the BIG SIT's four participants, three other parties of birders showed up so I had to put one vehicle in the overflow parking lot.

I had hoped to get more species on the sit. It was too cold this morning for poorwills and nighthawks, so I got them tonight, for a total of 50 species. that's two more than last year's Big Sit. The Cassin's Finch was still around.

Pretty tired so off to bed. Been a long day.

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