
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Yesterday's Big Sit update

Seems Michael Gray photographed a bird seen from the sit circle (a requirement) that may be a new oasis species and another species to our sit list, making the total 51. But to count it we need a positive ID. The consensus is that it's a Great-crested Flycatcher. Here's Michael's photo.

And toward the end of the day Cecilia [Riley] thought to take a photo of me and her. It was a great day and such great birders. I'm ready to do another big sit with them tomorrow.


  1. Certainly looks like a candidate for great crested. Dark gray breast and bright yellow lower. You probably know Mark Philips(retired national park ranger), I feel sure he could help on id. Too bad no side or back visibility.

    1. You mean Mark Flippo. Mark Lockwood said it's positively a Great-crested.

    2. That's good. Add another species to your oasis!!! And yes, Flippo. I'd like to say it was the computer, but it was probably me. Congratulations on the new bird.
