
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rattlesnake story

Remember how the bear mashed my lovely horsetails? Well, today I decided to try to tie them in a more upright position. For about 20 minutes I struggled with them on the north side (left on photo) of the water feature, stooping, kneeling, grabbing and tying bundles of the reeds, etc. After I figured I had done all I could do on that side, I decided to step around to the south side to do some more. I looked down for a rock to step onto so I wouldn't get my feet wet and about the same instant that I decided which rock to step onto, I realized that rock was actually a coiled Diamondback.

Here's the closeup.


  1. Oh my gosh. Is it common for them to sit so still? Unless he didn't know you were there, I would think he would have rattled. Glad you didn't get too near him.

    Carla in Richardson, TX

    1. They do that when they're waiting for unsuspecting prey to land on or beside them. He never rattled. Didn't even show his rattles. He was in full hunting mode. If you click on my "snake" label you'll see that behavior illustrated in a diamondback several years ago.
