
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Yo-yo weather

It seems all spring the weather has gone from hot to cold almost every other day. Yesterday it got up to 97° at the oasis. Since today was predicted to be cold and windy, I came to town. But tomorrow it'll be up into the 80s, so heading back down there to get some work done before the groups come Friday and Saturday.

Specifically need to do something about the feeders. A critter got up the pole and tore the bottom off the thistle feeder, as well as the pad base I had on the seed bucket. Don't think it was a bear since the hummingbird feeders weren't bothered. I have plans to make the feeders coon proof, if that's what it was. Since I'm not there today, photo courtesy of Mac.

Here's a nice photo he took of an Orchard Oriole at the oasis 3 days ago.

No one can have any idea of what a challenge it is to maintain feeders and vegetation for birds at the oasis.

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