
Thursday, April 26, 2018

The oasis today

Came down early this morning from Alpine. With Mac's help I got the feeders back better than ever. I hadn't done a very good job on them when I first hung them, but they were functional--- until whatever it was got ahold of them. We bolted and reinforced the, previously screwed-on, pad to the bucket feeder and hung the thistle feeder higher.

The oasis looks like an oasis in the desert what with this continuing drought. When we get good rains the whole area looks like an oasis, so birds aren't concentrated at the oasis as much as they are now. Still I'd prefer it to rain.

The next ten days will be the busiest of the year, other than mid-August during the hummingbird festival. Hoping any day bunches of good warblers come through. So far, it's just been mostly Yellow-rumped and Wilson's, with an occasional different species. I always say when the acacia bloom the MacGillivray's, Townsend's, and other warblers descend on the oasis. Maybe the strong south winds of last week pushed them on through, or maybe they'll arrive any day. All my breeding species are here except the Yellow-breasted Chat. Not sure they'll nest here when it's this dry.

Catclaw Acacia in bloom


  1. Hi Carolyn, Feeders and oasis looking great! What type of feed are you filling your bucket feeder with, a mix or black-oil sunflower seeds?
