
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Fun day at the oasis

Whenever I get to the oasis I feel quiet, peace, and exhilaration. It's the only place on earth where I can experience those feelings simultaneously. So it's sad to have to leave, but I had stuff in town I had to deal with. I did have the fun of photographing a Common Grackle before I left though. It's not a rare bird, just rare in the Big Bend. Only the third one I've documented at the oasis.

Not much else unusual going on. Quite a few birders visiting these days. It's that time of year. Texas Madrones are blooming, as is just about everything else.


  1. Flew in from Dubai, United Arab Emirates yesterday, heading your way - the most distant travellers yet? Hope to show the boys Elf Owl, and they hope to show Dad Lucifer Hummingbird :-)
    See you later today, we hope

  2. Do you have directions to get there? If not, email me at the address in this blog. I won't be able to be there today. If you want to see the owl there you need to come when I'm there. I hear there's one in Rio Grande Village.
