
Monday, April 1, 2019

Now oasis butterfly

Not a good photo, and I didn't try hard enough because I thought it was just another Painted Lady, but Brian says it's a West Coast Lady. I saw one once before about 3 miles south of the oasis, but never here.

I was really surprised to find a Bluebonnet blooming in my courtyard. Not sure which species it is, probably Lupinus texensis. Otherwise, Lupinus havardii.

I have both Common and Tropical Buckeyes at CMO, and occasionally a hybrid of the two like this one (per Brian).

 Everything is blooming. Here's a Rigid Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja rigida).

The Woolly Paintbrush is blooming too but I didn't photograph it. I have so many photos of it already. I think this next bloom is Abert's Wild Buckwheat (Eriogonum abertianum), but I confess with everything, and then some, blooming, I'm having trouble keeping up.

Flax is blooming everywhere too. Just too many flowers to post.

Berlanier's Flax - Linum filifolium

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