
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

My day today

I finished up my chores in town and arrived at the oasis around noon. Those frustrating Lucifers! The film crew is chomping at the bit to photograph the courtship display, and the Lucifers still haven't returned to the feeders. That can only mean that there are still plenty of flowers in the wild to keep them happy. Which is good for the birds, of course, but frustrating for us, since I'd really love to share the display with the world, and now's the chance. One male is still hanging around guarding the homefront. Today he did a display and there was not one other hummingbird around to display to. Maybe that means it's getting time for the others to return.

I wore myself out getting the feeder pole to suit me. While it's not perfect, I can live with it. Not going to work on it anymore.

Right now it's raised out of a bear's reach, but in the morning I'll lower it so the three groups of birders due to arrive will get better looks at the birds. Just hope I remember to raise it again at night.

Saw my first Chinati Checkerspot for this year.

I still had a list of things I needed to do today, but will do them tomorrow when I'm fresh, if things aren't too hectic here.

UPDATE: To my surprise we got some rain this evening around 8 PM and thereafter. Maybe a couple of tenths of an inch but it's all good and will settle the parking area better. So I can postpone watering tomorrow. That'll help. Got to see water run off the new tank for the first time (I think). It's run off before, but I wasn't here to see it.

The owl didn't show itself, but the Tree Tobacco should be happy!

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