
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Weather not cooperative

The weather this morning was just rainy enough to make filming and photography not good, but not rainy enough to bring any significant moisture to the oasis. And rainy enough to make the big hill slick. One party of birders wisely walked in. Others arrived before the rain started, so we're coping.

Above: I tried to draw an arrow where the Lucifer that's being filmed is perched. Skip did get a couple of display shots today, but none he's satisfied with. It's going to be a challenge, but at least one female is coming to the feeders. Any day now the gang should be back.

Was surprised to have a fledged Black-throated Sparrow this early in the year. It was rather comical to watch the adult hop onto the feeder, grab a seed or two and hop down to stuff it into the fledgling's beak. Over and over. But I'm sure the young one will soon figure out how to feed itself.

Varied Buntings are back and enjoying the feeder.

This afternoon we got another shower, and again no appreciable amount, but made birding miserable for awhile. The filmmakers had to get off the scaffold and protect their cameras again, too.

When the sun was out for awhile this afternoon I looked for butterflies. Found a nice Sheep Skipper down by the lower dam.

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