
Friday, May 17, 2019

Anatomy of a CMO scam

The definitions of scam is "fraud or trick." So I/CMO got scammed. In hindsight, I think I should have gotten suspicious, but while it seemed strange, I didn't really suspect a scam. I was too busy with birders and work at the oasis to pay enough attention.

It started with an email on April 27th, that in hindsight, said rather non-typical things. It was from a Tom Peters with an email address that had "tphardtom" in it. Birders have some weird email addresses No red flag there. It read:

Hi Carolyn,
I wanted to reach out to you for our group of birders. We are all retired and every summer we travel around the country birding. This year we will be somewhat close to you and would like to possibly bird at your Oasis. Is there a fee to come and bird? How large of a group can you accommodate? Many of our members had also expressed a desire to help you with work around the Oasis. We come from many different backgrounds. We have Carpenters, plumbers, electricians, engineers, and ecologists just to name a few. I look forward to hearing from you. Tom 

Of course in hindsight, what unnamed group of retired birders travel around the country every summer? None. Has members, but no group name or contact, other than Tom. Now it's obvious he was fishing, and while I didn't totally take the bait, I did treat it as legitimate. I'm sure he saw my go-fund-me page and was curious as to how legitimate my campaign was. He could have followed every detail on my blog, but like any good scammer, chose to assume a fraudulent persona.

I replied that they were welcome to visit and a group of 20 would be OK. At this time I was getting lots of birding requests. It was one of the busiest weeks of the year. I never gave it a second thought, although I was aware that this wasn't a typical request. He responded, probably chuckling as he did so:

Hi Carolyn,
We are extremely flexible on dates. Let us know what works best for you! We are a group of around 35 so perhaps splitting into two different days will be better?

Me: What is the time frame that you're able to come? How many vehicles will you be in? There is no fee.

Tom: We have yet to nail down a date, but it would likely be from early May to early June. We tend to try and limit our impact anywhere we go so there would likely be around 4 total vehicles. We all pitch in and rent passenger vans for our bigger excursions.

"Bigger excursions?" In what way I wonder. All groups have rigid itineraries, even small groups. None are "extremely flexible." Why no red flags, I don't know, except that I'm so honest and trusting. 

Me: There are plenty of dates available in that time frame. Except for May 28, no groups are yet scheduled after May 9th. You can all come at once if you don't mind the crowded birding. The oasis is small and only has seating for about 20 or so people, but however you want to do it the vehicles will be no problem.

Tom: Does May 17th work for you? We don't mind being cramped as we've traveled as a group for a long time. Do you think that it would affect the birding? The last thing we want to do is disturb anything.

They've birded together for a "long time" and don't know if it would affect the birding? LOL In hindsight, you can tell he's just pulling this dialogue out of his hat.

Me: That date is fine. I think it'll be OK with the birding. Movement bothers them most, so if people are fairly still, it should be OK. Probably no different here than other places you bird together (Maybe a bit of subtle sarcasm on my part.) Directions attached and I'll reserve the 17th for you but if you need to change the date, it shouldn't be a problem.

Final correspondence from Tom: Thank you! I will be sure to let everyone else in our group know. I'm the point of contact so if anything changes on your end you can just let me know. We are all very excited to get some lifers and hope we get a chance to meet you as well! Many of us weren't able to donate to your fundraiser so we hope to somehow pay it forward to you. Are there any items that you are in need of at the Oasis? Bird seed, feeders, chairs, labor, etc? We would be more than happy to help with anything we possibly could in exchange for you opening up your wonderful part of the world with birders from all walks of life!

He makes sure to tell me he's the contact. Why say that when he knew very well he was the only contact I had? And weren't able to donate to the go-fund-me, but happy to help with anything they possibly could? OMG Many people only donated $5 to the go-fund-me. His retired travelling group must really be poverty-stricken! Terms like "many different backgrounds" and "all walks of life" is not how birders approach me about visiting. He's obviously toying with me for his own sick entertainment. Normally groups give me phone numbers and several contacts. Even references. I guess he satisfied himself that I'm legit. It was a mean thing of him to do, but I would have caught on if he had carried it much farther. I'd like to think so anyway.  I think by then I was a little suspicious. I sent him this short message, and that was the end of it all.

Me: Thanks for the offer. I sometimes need help but can't predict when. Birdseed never goes to waste, but it's probably easier for me to buy it locally than for people to haul it in with their luggage. I'm sure I didn't show the enthusiasm he was hoping for.

On a more pleasant subject, Mac is here now and the temperatures are really hot. Morning and evenings are about the only time he can take photos. Here's one he took of a Spotted Ground Squirrel.

I've seen a lot of Lucifer Hummingbirds but never saw one that had a gorget perpetually flared like this one. Kelly says that not normal. This one is banded and is likely between 5-7 yrs old.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler. My sister and I are going up her side of the mountain to the area where the Lucifers should be nesting. I'm hoping to locate a nest. Not to the summit where I went last time looking for butterflies.

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