
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Final mountain climb

My sister and I both agree that the climb we did today will be our last. However, my son says to hang in there and drone technology will take us up there before too many years. I'll try. I didn't find any Lucifer nests, unfortunately. Ann, who's an archaeologist, did find the oldest dart point she's found on her property though. She thinks it's an Arenosa point, and between 3-4 thousand years old.*

It was right on the edge of the trail we built several years ago. Just overlooked all this time. She documented it with GPS, etc.

I located a female hummingbird at the patch of oaks (above), but it was just a Black-chinned. Probably has a nest in there somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

Desert Willows are blooming back at the oasis along the arroyo.


* When I googled Arenosa point I found this distribution map. It says they date between 4,500-3,000 years ago. I saw some of them for sale on Ebay for around $25.

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