
Sunday, May 19, 2019


I learn a lot from NPR on my car radio while I'm commuting back and forth between Alpine and CMO. Recently, I learned that "ghost" can also be a verb. And you can "ghost" people (cut them out of your life without warning or explanation). The term originated in 2011, but I'm a bit behind the times. That year I was fighting desperately to keep the oasis alive in the face of record cold, heat, and drought.

So when Mac brought out his black light and shone it on scorpions, it made me think of my new verb "ghosting." I know, not the same meaning of the word, but, hey, words and meanings change. I'm trying to stay ahead of the process. Here are my ghosted scorpions. 😀


  1. Looks like a fun endeavor. I used to own a black light but it was not portable so i never have been ghosting.

  2. Mac's black light is like a regular size flashlight. He's going to leave it with me when he leaves.
