
Saturday, June 29, 2019

A downhill day

I started out puny, and it went downhill from there. Don't know why. I forced myself to water at CMO. Will finish in the morning. No energy. Heat and humidity don't help. And not much going on to enjoy watching.

I guess this is my favorite species of the day. A Tropical Buckeye. I should have tried for a better photo. Too lethargic.

Here are a couple of nice photos by Mac from yesterday.

Western Giant Swallowtail on Vitex Chaste Tree

American Rubyspot


  1. Some days are like that. But you have posted some good photos. I am a fan of Buckeyes, since childhood, a long time ago. Haven't seen one in years.....

  2. Thanks! A late afternoon nap helped. Just hope I can sleep tonight now. I like Buckeyes too. Hope you get to see some soon! CMO has both the Common and the Tropical, but usually just the Common. The Tropical is always a treat!
