
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Oasis morning

I treated myself to a leisure morning at the oasis to look for the California Spreadwing while Mac looked for the yellow-bellied kingbird. Having no luck, I then figured I'd water while I was looking so as not to have nothing to show for the morning. Never did see the damselfly, although I saw quite a few common spreadwing species. And wore myself out watering and pulling weeds. So much for a leisure treat.

I also watched an obnoxiously loud little wasp hovering over a hole in the ground. I have no idea what it was up to. Guarding its nest from intruders is the only theory I could come up with.

Also saw this Lubber Grasshopper. Maybe a Giant or Horse Lubber, not sure.

Back in Alpine this afternoon, the lotuses are starting to put on a show.

They're not only beautiful but the dragonflies love to perch on the buds.

Desert Whitetail

UPDATE: See interesting info on the "wasp" in comments to this post. For starters, it's a beefly, not a wasp.


  1. That is a Hover Fly or rather I should say, "Bee Fly", not a wasp. It's hovering over the hole of a ground bee or wasp and attempts to flick a few small eggs into the nest. The larva quickly hatches and goes down into the nest to feed on stored foods the real bee or wasp collected for their young, then after eating the foodstuffs, they feed on the bee or wasp larva. But they are good pollinators and fund to watch. Amazingly talented agile fliers.

    Bee Flies (Bombylius spp.)

    1. Thank you for the fascinating information. I'm glad to know that.

  2. Aunt Carolyn, I love your blog! I also love birds! Dawne

  3. Thank you! It means a lot to me that you like it!
