
Monday, June 3, 2019

After the storm

The ground all throughout the oasis is littered with hail damage. I worked so hard for all that greenery. Just have to hope the benefit outweighs the cost.

I suspect the newly hatched quail didn't survive the storm. Dragonflies are showing up in good numbers. Been pumping water since 8 PM last night. Got a few short naps during the night in between gassing the pump. Today I ran 3 gas pumps, trying to get the water to where it needs to be as quickly as possible.

The storm caused the internal baffles on my hummingbird feeders to overrun. Bees didn't waste any time. I had just filled them all before heading to town yesterday afternoon and now I had to redo them all. Not only that, but the hail broke perches off about half of them, so I've been busy gluing them back on as best I can.

But I'm grateful for the water and the ground getting a good soaking. We're forecast for another storm tomorrow night, but I can't depend on it. And need to fill the concrete tanks so the dirt tanks will have room for more.

CMO won the Big Sit competition we had in April.

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