
Sunday, June 2, 2019


I no sooner got to town this afternoon than I got calls and messages that it hailed and then rained hard at CMO. So I took off back to the oasis. I got .7," but with a price. Hail really decimated my Tree Tobacco. Wish I had taken a photo of how lovely it was before the storm. But it'll surely recover quickly. It's a fast grower. This was the biggest, lushest one.

Remember the nest full of Scaled Quail eggs we peeked into the other day? Well, they hatched, either yesterday or this morning, and those adorable chicks stay well hidden per parent's commands. Mac managed to get one bad shot of three out of the 15-20. He's hoping to do better tomorrow. They're in this photo, but good luck spotting them.

The upper dirt tank filled brim full so I'm busy pumping it. It'll take all night, at least 12 hours. (Photo by Mac which he texted me while I was in town.)

Here's a photo I took this afternoon of the new birdbath. I did a bit of an oops. I didn't mix color into the cement, so after it was done, before it dried, I coated it with cement color. The bottle was new and unopened and said, "brown." But it's real red. Yikes! We'll just have to see how it turns out.

I'm disappointed that all my oak trees are loaded with acorns. Even one that never had acorns on  before. Means I'll be terrorized by bears in October.

And here's a Diamond-backed Rattlesnake that Mac photographed yesterday.

Bell's Vireo just before bathing in the new birdbath

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