
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hot and humid in the park

Mac and I went to Rio Grande Village at Big Bend National Park today, where I had hoped to find good dragonflies. Only found the same ones I get at the oasis, and it was at least 100° and 100% humidity. Unlike the oasis, it had rained there yesterday. My poor body isn't used to humidity and I was miserable. Didn't even know I could sweat since I never do, but I was wet with sweat.

The best ode I found there was a Five-striped Leaftail, which I've had at the oasis before.

There were some nice purple flowers at Rio Grande Village. The first one looks to me like some kind of ruellia, maybe Parry's, and the other, I'm told is Catchfly Prairie Gentian (Eustoma exaltatum). (Butterfly is Dotted Roadside-Skipper.)

It was a great relief when we got back to the oasis. The 98° there felt very comfortable to me. I did some watering and we tweaked on the birdbath a bit. Still not perfect, but we'll get it. Our problem is to get the water to run straight down from the lip and drip pleasingly into the pool below instead of running along the bottom and sides of the birdbath. We used some kind of putty and got it to do that, but it didn't last. Will have to come up with a more permanent solution. And we will. Just requires a trip to Alpine to get the stuff.

I could have made the thing more attractive if I hadn't been in such pain (knees, shoulder, and back). It was all I could manage to just stack rocks and cement. I hate that because I used to do really nice rock work.

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