
Friday, June 14, 2019

CMO draws me back early

Hadn't planned on coming down until tomorrow but couldn't stand it, as usual. Told my husband I had to work on installing the new pump  he bought me. But it was hot and mosquitoey so I didn't do much but take a few photos. I felt overwhelmed. The new pump has to be totally replumbed because the outflow pipe is on the opposite side as the old pump. Tomorrow I'll start with renewed resolve. Or not.

CMO gets plenty of attention. Mac's still here; the film crew is here; and a biology class visited late this afternoon. Here's a photo of a black scorpion the film crew captured. They're hoping to get photos of the Elf Owl capturing it. Not going to happen. The owls are feeding young now.

I couldn't resist photographing the well-photographed resident Spotted Ground-Squirrel.

Female Orange Sulphur on Beebrush
Red Saddlebags
Instead of focusing on the fact that the stucco tank lost 5" since I pumped water into it three days ago, I'm focusing on the fact that the new tank still has 65,000 gallons in it, and the big concrete tank lost less than an inch in the last three days.

No toad!

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