
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Oasis lovely today

We got another shower last night so everything is green, inside and outside of the oasis. Beebrush keeps the air smelling perfumed. Best of all, the dragonfly pond is loaded with dragonflies.

A hopeful Western Wood-Pewee tried to dine on dragonflies, but didn't catch any while I watched. A mild breeze kept the mosquito numbers down, so I was able to enjoy sitting by the pond for quite a while. No new species but I added a couple to my June list.

Wore myself out with my weedeater. I feel I should do everything I can to decrease the likelihood of someone getting bitten by a rattlesnake. So I whack at the weeds until I'm exhausted. Had to take a short nap before heading to Alpine. I get so sleepy while driving otherwise.

I didn't find anything interesting to photograph today, but Mac came to my rescue again. He shot the lightning toward the north of the oasis last  night.

Scaled Quail

Male Wandering Glider
Mac photographed this frog at Rio Grande Village in Big Bend NP several days ago.

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