
Friday, August 9, 2019

A better day

Even though it couldn't get much worse than yesterday, today was a great improvement. The water leak I fixed yesterday no longer leaks. And the oasis was swarming with odes today. It got up to 106° so I didn't spend a lot of time checking them out. Anything that looked remotely different I photographed and when I got to town it turns out I had photographed a lifer Tawny Pennant. Now I wonder what all awesome stuff I missed.

Odeing with friends last year, they photographed one at Lajitas, but I didn't get a shot of it. I think I saw it, though, but didn't count it. This one was perched really high on a dead twig so my photo is barely documentary quality. I can't ID them from below, but a couple of experts ID'd it for me. Now I wish I had spent more time sorting through the bonanza of odes. I guess with the drought and heat, the oasis was a real oasis for them. Most were the usual stuff, but this one with its tawny-colored thorax and wing color made me think I better photograph it. I'm so bad. At the time of sighting I figured it was just a juvenile Blue Dasher or something. What puzzled me was that dashers never perch so high up and away from water. Hmmm.. so much to learn.

Also today I soaked myself with the sprinkler to cool off while I finished watering. And broke down and took ibuprofen. My jeans were still damp when I arrived in town today.

The Western Soapberries have quite a few berries on them. I love soapberries and they're growing all over the place without any assistance from me.

And I saw a flycatcher that I haven't gotten ID'd yet. I think the consensus is that it's a Willow Flycatcher.

And today I captured two Painted Buntings at the bird bath.

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