
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Another scorcher

I came to the oasis a day early so I could just enjoy the place without having to triage tasks. But I felt real guilty not working. Was hoping for some good dragonflies, but not to be. It got up to 104° this afternoon. Once it started cooling down I sat on a chair by the big tank for awhile looking at odes. A deer wanted to drink but wouldn't come in until I left.

My knee is much better but I can tell I dare not push my luck. Probably for as long as I shall live. 

I saw this spider. I guess it's a Black Widow, although the red spots don't really look like an hourglass. Maybe a West Texas variation.

Coming in on Terlingua Ranch Road this morning, I stopped and snapped a photo of our mountain in relations to the area to the NW of it where Eastwood Mesa is located on old maps, erroneously, I believe. The distance makes it look bigger in comparison than it is, but that little ramp-shaped peak on the right of this photo is in the area of the map of Eastwood Mesa, but our mountain dwarfs it in size. So why would that puny hill have a name and ours not? Gotta be a mistake. (See post of Aug 1st for map, etc.) Lots of mistakes were made when mapping Terlingua Ranch in the old days. It's a surveyor's nightmare.

Our mountain far left


  1. Looks much like the black widows I have seen in central TX, but I'm not arachnologist. I treat them all as if they were black widows and don't mess with them. Hot here too. I am filled with admiration at your endurance.

  2. Thank you! I agree. I treat any black spider as if it was a Black Widow. Better safe than sorry.
