
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alpine surprise

We went to Odessa today and got home about 2 PM. By then it was very windy and felt cold. I didn't plan on going outdoors. But a hummer went to a feeder outside the window and left before I could get a photo. It was either a Ruby-throated, Black-chinned, or Anna's. When it didn't return I decided to walk around and see if it was perched somewhere. While looking for it I saw a Common Grackle fly into a willow tree on the edge of one of our ponds. It didn't want to come out and I couldn't get a decent shot at it. Of the whole bunch I took, this was the best one.

So I decided to go back out and try again. Still no better, but before I totally gave up, a second one perched on a utility wire near me. What luck!

Bronzed interior form
I've seen the species several times before, but it is considered rare for the Big Bend.

There were also a bunch of ducks on our ponds. Only seven of them can be our domestic ones, so at least four are wild Mexican Ducks. I can't tell them apart. Two flew off before I took this shot.

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